Why you need to delegate (stewardship)
Stewardship is for growth of yourself and others, It is a win-win situation.
Stewardship is about telling people WHY something needs to be done, WHAT you think could be a way to achieve it but NOT HOW to do it.
Stewardship is about telling people what happens if they fail.
Stewardship is about giving your people what they need to get the job done and trust them that they will do it.
<p>Trust goes both ways, a person who cannot trust others is not trustworthy.</p> <p>Duplicating your capacity by developing people to be atleast as good as you (real goal is for them to be better than you!) is the only sustainable way to scale..
Stewardship increases the potential of both you and your trainees.
- they learn how to handle bigger tasks
- you can free up time for bigger tasks (act on it,delegate it, or delete it)</p> <p>And teaches the value of stewardship. So it resonates to future trainees.</p> <p>Now I understand what our CTO was telling me years ago. “In the future you should make more like you, like mark mark mark mark”.</p> <p>The goal is to scale,to develop good people. not to be on top of other people.</p>