How many miles has your thumb scrolled?

I might mave scrolled facebook, instagram, tweeter, 9gag and other SnS sites and ended up feeling empty or like feeling that im wasting my internet access.

<p>So lately i have been scrolling alternative websites(and their android apps).</p> <h2></h2> <p>- a website/app that consolidates updates from your favorite blogs. (in my case i mostly follow sources of tech info and new ideas). Feedly feeds will only grow if you add sites to follow. With feedly i can now unsubscribe from emails from blogs.</p> <h2></h2> <p>- A website/app that allows you to “discover” articles on medium that suit the “interests” you put in your profile.
Feeds here almost never ends..there is always a lot to read.</p> <h2>Pocket</h2> <p>- A google chrome extension/website and android app.
- Allows you to save webpages and reaf them later at pocket website or automatically synced to your android devices for offline use
- A reading list
- thanks to jerome for introducing this to me.</p>

<h2>Quora</h2> <p>- a Q&A website/android app.
- see feeds of question and answers related to your “interests” posted on your profile.</p>